Martes, Enero 14, 2014

"After Christmas and new year's vacation, we prepared and all set to resume the class for this year 2014, Preparing all the things for kid's Education.and as we Continue to walk with God to empower Children ,we need your prayers and support  specially for "God's Provision for all the plan and activity for this year and as we continue to drive the ibike , teach children and believe that in the near future they become successful leaders in their generation. Let's Continue believe and support Kid's Education " Train up a child in the way he should go,so that when he grow up it can't depart from it. proverbs 22:6 , Thank you to all who continue pray and support to us. it's a big help to us as we Continue God's ministry to empower Children in our community.i know God will bring back all of this to all of you.. Thank you so much